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Solar Roofing


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residential solar Repair and Re-roofing

In order to install solar, your roof needs to be structurally safe. If your roof is over or near the end of its life, we highly recommended considering a new roof before we install solar. This will ultimately save you cost down the road and benefit you by combining the projects together, which in return will allow for greater savings. 

solar panel solution Roof types

Our number 1 recommended roof for solar is standing metal seam due to its longevity and ease of installation. 

Roofs we repair and re-roof: 

  • Metal
  • Shingle
  • Tile
  • Flat

solar panel roof cost Quality matters

By combining your roof and solar, allows for a much more seamless installation. We ensure top quality products along with skilled labor to provide our customers with long lasting results. 

  • best-solar-panels

    Top Quality Products

  • 25-year-warranty

    25+ Years Warranties

  • home-solar-system

    High Performance Efficiency


Can I claim the solar tax credit on my new roof?

A portion of the roof can be claimed on the tax credit. Consult your CPA for accurate information.

Can I finance my solar and roof together?

YES, we provide LOW interest rates, with ZERO money down that allows you to finance both projects under one loan.

Do solar panels effect my roof warranty?

NO. Although, combining the two projects will potentially extend your warranties.

How old is too old for my roof?

Rule of thumb is between 10-15 years. But varies based on materials and  installation quality.


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